danzare è tutta la mia vita! 13 Marzo 2016 Blog, Video, Video-Scienza aracnidi, ragni, video-scienza (Spider Dances For His Life!! – Life Story – BBC)
corteggiamenti polari 12 Marzo 2016 Blog, Video, Video-Scienza mammiferi, orso-polare, video-scienza (How To Play Like a Polar Bears! – Animal Attraction – BBC Polar Bears can detect another bear with their excellent sense of smell, male bears can spend weeks tracking the scent of a female who is ready to mate. Taken from Animal Attraction.)
small brains en masse 9 Marzo 2016 Blog, Video, Video-Scienza video-extra, video-scienza (A compilation of clips from the collection. Made for imaginesciencefilms.org/)