JUTLAND II | Breath of the Seasons

‘Breath of the Seasons’ has been my personal project from early 2017 until early 2020. Living around the Jutland peninsula in Denmark my entire life, what inspired me to make this film was the very difference between winter, spring, summer and autumn in the already diverse Jutlandic landscapes – and the visually beautiful story this has. To show this cycle in nature through timelapse photography has been a mammoth task and a huge completion for me personally. It has driven me through all spectres emotionally; exhaustion, excitement, despair, joy and everything in between. The countless hours spent on locations made me see and feel the difference of all four seasons. It opened my eyes to how similar nature actually is to humans; As nature takes a single breath all four seasons play before our eyes until she’s ready for the next breath and it all starts over again. Energy is everywhere and nothing is at a standstill.